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James' Story, son of Alphaeus

The information about James, son of Alphaeus in the Bible is relatively limited, and there are no specific details regarding his life and ministry. He is often referred to as "James the Less" or "James the Minor" to distinguish him from the more well-known James, the brother of John, who was one of the twelve apostles and a prominent figure in the early Christian community. 

Here is what the New Testament tells us about James son of Alphaeus: 


Selection as an Apostle:  

In the Gospel accounts (Matthew 10:3, Mark 3:18, Luke 6:15), James, the son of Alphaeus, is listed as one of the twelve apostles chosen by Jesus. However, apart from his name being mentioned in these lists, there is no further information about him in the Gospels. 


Acts of the Apostles:  

The Book of Acts provides only a brief mention of James son of Alphaeus. In Acts 1:13, after Jesus' ascension, the apostles are listed, and among them is "James the son of Alphaeus." Still, no specific details about his actions, teachings, or experiences are recorded in this book. 


Other Biblical References:  

James the Less is mentioned in the list of apostles in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 10:3) and the Gospel of Mark (Mark 3:18). However, as with the other Gospels, there are no specific anecdotes or stories about his life and ministry in these texts. 


Tradition and Church History:  

Beyond the biblical accounts, historical and traditional sources provide little additional information about James, son of Alphaeus. Some early Christian traditions suggest that he might have been the brother of the apostle Matthew, but these claims are not firmly substantiated. 


Due to the scarcity of information in the Bible and historical sources, James, son of Alphaeus remains a relatively enigmatic figure among the twelve apostles. Unlike some of the other apostles, such as Peter, John, and Paul, he is not a prominent figure in the New Testament writings. Nevertheless, like the other apostles, he played a crucial role in spreading the teachings of Jesus and the early Christian message, even if specific details of his contributions have not been preserved in biblical accounts.