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The story of Ehud


The story of Ehud can be found in the Book of Judges, in the Old Testament of the Bible. It takes place during a tumultuous time in Israel's history, where the Israelites were repeatedly falling into idolatry and facing oppression from neighboring nations. Ehud's story is one of bravery, cunning, and deliverance. 


After the death of the righteous judge, Othniel, the Israelites once again turned away from God and began to worship false idols. As a result, God allowed them to be oppressed by Eglon, the king of Moab, for eighteen years. Eglon was a ruthless and powerful ruler who forced the Israelites to pay heavy tribute. 


In their distress, the Israelites cried out to the Lord for deliverance, and God raised up Ehud, a left-handed man from the tribe of Benjamin, as their unlikely deliverer. Ehud was not only known for his physical strength but also for his cunning and resourcefulness. 


Ehud devised a plan to free his people from the Moabite oppression. He crafted a double-edged sword and concealed it on his right thigh, where it would not be easily detected by the Moabite guards. He then traveled to the Moabite capital, Jericho, carrying a tribute to present to King Eglon. 


Upon reaching the king's palace and presenting the tribute, Ehud requested a private audience with King Eglon, claiming to have a secret message from God. Intrigued, the king dismissed his attendants and allowed Ehud to speak in private. 


As Ehud and the king were alone in the cool upper room, Ehud took the opportunity to strike. With his left hand, he drew the hidden sword from his right thigh and swiftly thrust it into King Eglon's obese belly. The king was taken by surprise and fatally wounded. 


Leaving the sword embedded in Eglon's belly, Ehud stealthily left the room, locked the doors, and made his escape. The Moabite guards, thinking that the king was relieving himself, did not intervene immediately. By the time they discovered the truth, Ehud was already far away. 


Having killed the Moabite king, Ehud blew a trumpet to gather the Israelite army, and they swiftly rallied behind him. They attacked the Moabites, gaining a decisive victory over their oppressors. The Israelites were free from Moabite rule, and the land had rest for eighty years under the leadership of Ehud. 


The story of Ehud is a testament to God's faithfulness in raising up unlikely heroes and delivering His people from oppression. Ehud's left-handedness, intelligence, and courage were used by God to bring about freedom and peace for the Israelites, reminding us that with God's guidance, even the most challenging circumstances can be overcome. 
