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The story of Simon the Pharisee

Once upon a time in the ancient city of Jerusalem, there lived a man named Simon who was a Pharisee. He was known for his devout adherence to religious laws and was respected by many in the community for his righteousness. Simon had built a reputation for hosting religious gatherings at his home, inviting other Pharisees and scholars to engage in discussions about their faith. 


One day, Simon received an unexpected invitation from a renowned teacher and healer named Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus gained popularity for his teachings about love, compassion, and forgiveness, and his miraculous ability to heal the sick and perform wonders. Curious about this intriguing figure, Simon graciously accepted the invitation to host Jesus for a meal at his home. 


As the day approached, Simon prepared his house and invited his fellow Pharisees and prominent members of the community to attend the gathering. He hoped that by hosting Jesus, he would showcase his hospitality and demonstrate his piety to those who would be present. 


On the day of the event, Simon awaited Jesus' arrival with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Just before the meal, a surprising development occurred. A woman from the city, known for her sinful ways, entered Simon's home with a small alabaster jar of expensive perfume. She had heard that Jesus would be present and was drawn to him, seeking forgiveness and redemption for her past mistakes. 


This woman approached Jesus with tears in her eyes and began washing his feet with her tears and drying them with her hair. She kissed his feet and anointed them with the precious perfume she had brought. Simon, observing this, was taken aback and silently criticized Jesus in his heart, thinking, "If this man were truly a prophet, he would know what kind of woman this is and would not let her touch him, for she is a sinner." 


Jesus, perceiving Simon's thoughts, responded with a parable. He spoke of two debtors, one who owed a significant amount and another who owed a much smaller sum. The lender forgave both debts, and Jesus asked Simon which debtor would love the lender more. Simon replied, "The one who had the greater debt forgiven, I suppose." 


Jesus then explained that the woman's actions were a result of her great love, gratitude, and repentance. He contrasted her genuine display of love with Simon's lack of hospitality and compassion. Despite inviting Jesus to his home, Simon had not shown basic courtesies like providing water to wash his feet, which was customary in that time. 



Jesus used this moment to illustrate the importance of love, humility, and forgiveness. He emphasized that the woman's sins, though many, were forgiven because of her faith and sincerity. He urged Simon and others present to learn from her example and embrace the values of compassion and mercy. 


Simon, upon hearing Jesus' words, was humbled and recognized his self-righteousness. He acknowledged his lack of love and hospitality, and in that moment, he experienced a profound change of heart. From that day on, Simon started to treat others with greater compassion and empathy, understanding that true righteousness was not just about following religious laws, but also about practicing love and forgiveness. 


The story of Simon the Pharisee and the woman who anointed Jesus' feet became a significant lesson for many, reminding them of the transformative power of love and the importance of avoiding judgment and self-righteousness. It is a timeless tale that continues to resonate with people, encouraging them to embrace kindness, understanding, and acceptance in their lives.